Do manners matter anymore? They do to the three ladies at Three generations of “semi-refined” ladies (in their 70s, 50s, 20s) offer their varying views on etiquette from New York City’s tony Upper East Side. In a series of web videos that want to be a TV show, former Fox News anchor Bill McCuddy asks the triumvirate questions like is it right or rude to text during dinner? Or to ask a friend for a loan? Or to pay for wedding, but be asked not to invite your friends? Not only are the ladies charming but they’re also well connected. Jeannie Pearman (70s) can tell you about the time Princess Grace and Prince Ranier came to dinner. Carole Holmes Delouvrier (50s) is the daughter of Hollywood actress Arlene Dahl, and Fernanda Zapata Vakil (20s) is a luxury fashion publicist working with clients like Etienne Aigner.
In Page Six boldtype fashion, they’ve also solicited opinions from others whose names might be familiar. Actor Michael McKean adjudicates on parenting in Starbucks (Rude), while the seemingly unflappable Judd Hirsch weighs in about talking on the phone on planes (also Rude). And p.s. all three women agree with Glenn Close: do not chew gum in public. (Or boil other people’s rabbits.) It’s not right.