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Founded in 2012, 2paragraphs.com is a digital-first news publisher hosted on the open web. 2paragraphs has no political affiliation. Our goal is simple: we report what prominent people are saying and doing, using direct quotes.
2paragraphs publishes news content via established channels on platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Flipboard.
2paragraphs news articles also appear via syndication on news aggregator platforms such as SmartNews, Apple News, Google News, Bing News, and MSN Network. We strive to keep articles direct, correct, and brief.
Ownership: 2paragraphs.com is owned and operated by 2paragraphs Productions LLC, a Limited Liability Company headquartered in New York State.
2paragraphs Productions LLC
Nyack, NY 10960 USA
Phone: 1-917-453-4291
For general inquiries, please email [email protected] or [email protected]
For business issues/opportunities, please email Joseph Mackin at [email protected]
For editorial inquiries, please email Mary Fichter at [email protected]
Funding: All business operations are funded by revenue derived from online display advertising and affiliate marketing. 2paragraphs has been self-funded since its inception in 2012 and remains an independent news source receiving no outside funding.
2paragraphs publishes news on entertainment, politics, TV, sports, culture, celebrity, fashion, and consumer trends and products. 2paragraphs’ original reporting focuses on accuracy, depth and context. 2paragraphs is independent, trusted, and not politically affiliated.
2paragraphs strives for an Andy Warhol-inspired news mix of celebrity, fashion, sports, product, culture, politics, fame and fortune — the things and people that drive change in society and culture.
Note on brevity: We appreciate Einstein’s directive that things “should be as simple as possible, but not simpler.” Genius!
NOTE: The 2paragraphs editorial team works with numerous contributors and is continually seeking to discover and promote new and diverse voices. Please email us if you want to join our team!
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