Miley Cyrus is hitting her thirties in high, dramatic style. The dynamic diva who can entertain in any genre — and who has seemingly invented her own — has fans wildly eager for her new studio album, Endless Summer Vacation. Cyrus recently announced a March 10 drop date for the LP.
Cyrus understands she’s leaving fans hanging in anticipation, as the terrific imagery accompanying the drop date news illustrated (see below; now that’s a hang). But singles! Singles will assuage those who can’t wait — and “Flowers” is on the way, available January 13.
However crazy fans went on the album post news, it’s today’s solo show teasing “Flowers” — which Cyrus performs in a shower, topless, with her back to the camera — that has fans reaching fever pitch about the endless summer that’s on its way. One fan replied in kind, writing, I’ll have this on “endless loop.”
But it’s not even the provocative scene, steamy though it is — it’s the Cyrus voice and the music. It’s so, tender, gentle and beautiful, as the shower beats down sounding like rain. Rain and music that’s somehow imbued, in Cyrus’s rendering, with opposing qualities like mournful and hopeful.
Here’s another snippet of “Flowers” when Cyrus is accompanied by more than the shower spray.