The protagonist of the Lifetime movie Dying For A Good Grade (originally titled Admitted or Dead and Mommy’s Cheating Scandal) is high school student Annie (Karis Cameron). While working to get into a great college, she becomes involved in an admission scandal. When the police start snooping around and begin to close in on the ring leader, things turn deadly.
Karis is known for her roles on BH90210 (Kyler Norris), and in films including Cheer Squad Secrets (Amelie), Identity Theft of a Cheerleader (Heather), and My Husband’s Deadly Past (Ruth), among others. She launched her acting career in 2011 playing Amber on R.L. Stine’s the Haunting Hour.
When not on a movie set, the gorgeous and talented Canadian-born actress Karis Cameron enjoys the great outdoors and sometimes in a bikini as seen in the photos above and below. As one fan replied: “Such beauty!”
Dying for a Good Grade premieres on Lifetime Movie Network (LMN) on Friday, November 19 at 8 pm.