The protagonist of the Lifetime movie The Doctor Will Kill You Now (originally titled Nightmare Doctor) is Sarah (Gina Vitori). After a tragic skiing accident, Sarah’s life is saved thanks to surgeon Dr. Vincent (Anthony Jensen). [More Lifetime movies streaming are always available.]
But when Dr. Vincent mistakes Sarah’s gratitude for love, he becomes obsessed with her and brainwashes her into believing that her gorgeous boyfriend and licensed physical therapist Jake (Matthew Pohlkamp) is making her injury worse.
When not on a movie set, Gina Vitori enjoys the beach and often in a string bikini. She captioned the photo above: “Attempting the whole sexy-bikini-model thing really just results in a crotch full of sand.”
In the photo below, Vitori is celebrating three years living in Los Angeles at the beach (she’s from New York)!
The Doctor Will Kill You Now premieres on Lifetime Movies on Friday, December 6 at 8 pm.