Ciara crushed it at the American Music Awards, making that old “hostess with the most-est” adage a reality. How did she do it? The Behind-The-Scenes video below reveals all.
First Ciara got the encouragement of her adorable children who assured her, “Mom you’re gonna rock it.” And Ciara follows their orders exactly. You know, it’s that chocolate, chocolate. (Ciara’s “Melanin” is on sale now.)
Following her through dynamic wardrobe changes and makeup, with a few moments of practicing her lines, the video shows a real Behind-The-Scenes look. And you see how Ciara shines, with the help of Beauty Marks Entertainment — and the massive entertainment juggernaut known as Dick Clark Productions.
Ciara’s NFL football star husband Russell Wilson showed his joy and gratitude strong, writing:
“SO AMAZING!!! YOU ARE SUCH AN INSPIRATION TO SO MANY WOMEN, young girls and the world!!! And me hahaha love you momma! aka… my chocolate chocolate.” As another fan writes: “A WHIRLWIND.” Both of them!