Mara Justine is the 16-year-old high school student from Galloway, New Jersey who’s competing on American Idol. She wowed all three Idol judges – Lionel Richie, Katy Perry, and Luke Bryan – at her audition. After singing Rihanna’s “Love on the Brain,” she received a standing ovation and a golden ticket. Ever since then Mara has continuee to wow the judges and America – she’s in the Top 14 – by singing powerhouse songs including Whitney Houston’s “Run To You” and Etta James’ “Something’s Got a Hold On Me.”
[Check out Mara Justine’s 7-track album]
While Mara is grateful of the opportunity and the experience, the Jersey Girl in Los Angeles does miss a few things from home. She told her local newspaper, “Everything out here is, well, there’s a lot of avocados.” She adds, “I really miss a really greasy pizza back home.” Based on the recent photo below, it looks like the SoCal lifestyle is agreeing with her. American Idol airs Sundays and Mondays at 8pm on ABC.
[related: American Idol: Mara Justine Was Top 12 ‘America’s Got Talent’ Finalist]