On The Real Housewives of New Jersey episode “Lights Out,” while Teresa Giudice takes two of her daughters to visit her husband Joe Giudice in jail, Margaret Josephs gets ready for her 50th birthday. Fashionista Margaret has had a dress made especially for her for the occasion. Margaret takes her mother Marge Sr. to the boutique to try it on. Danielle Straub is to meet them there.
[Remember Goldie Hawn as Private Benjamin?]
While wearing blonde pigtails, Margaret admits to the camera, “The truth is a feel like a young girl because I’m delusional.” She adds, “I’m always going to be 20-something in my head. I’m like forever young like Goldie Hawn.” Btw, the Oscar-winning actress Goldie Hawn is 72, and she looks fabulous. The Real Housewives of New Jersey airs Tuesdays at 9pm on Bravo.
#Actresses talking about #sexualharassment and #womenissues, from #GoldieHawn, #CatherineZetaJones to #RaquelWelch, are among my quotable talents in 2017. First and second of three parts:https://t.co/edGWUlTowThttps://t.co/pwsTadFCvw pic.twitter.com/sLAPSk5Rke
— ruben nepales (@nepalesruben) December 29, 2017