In the Hallmark Channel movie Coming Home for Christmas, Danica McKellar plays Lizzie Richfield, manager of the old family estate Ashford. While getting the place ready for sale, she plans one last Christmas gala for the family. Two young Marley men vie for Lizzie’s attention – Kip the party boy (Andrew Francis, Chesapeake Shores), and Robert, the serious and handsome businessman in the family. Although Kip is the one who actively pursues Lizzie, it’s Robert who steals her heart.
[Check out Bledsoe as Tyler, Daniel’s half-brother in Ugly Betty]
Robert the handsome businessman is portrayed by Neal Bledsoe. The 6’3” tall actor from Seattle is known for his roles on The Mysteries of Laura (Tony Abbott), The Man in the High Castle (Captain Connolly), Ironside (Teddy), Smash (John Goodwin), Law & Order: SVU (CSU Clifton Montgomery), and Ugly Betty (Tyler), among others. Coming Home for Christmas premieres on Hallmark Channel on Saturday, November 18 at 8pm.