Candy Crush is a reality competition game show based on the super popular mobile game Candy Crush. In the premiere episode ‘Hundred G’s, Baby!,’ CBS reality stars compete against each other: Survivor’s Joe Anglim and Kelley Wentworth play against Jeremy Collins and Woo Hwang; and Big Brother’s Frankie Grande (older half-brother of singer Ariana Grande) and Caleb Reynolds compete against Paul Abrahamian and Da’Vonne Rogers. Mario Lopez hosts.
[Left: Download the Candy Crush app for free on Amazon]
During one physical challenge that requires the contestants to be harnessed as they scale a giant Candy Crush puzzle where they need to match candy treats, Big Brother fan favorite Frankie yells from his raised harness, “I feel like Peter Pan slash Superman!” Candy Crush airs Sundays at 9pm on CBS.