In the TV movie Double Mommy, teenager Jess Bell (Morgan Obenreder) announces that she’s pregnant with twins. Her boyfriend Ryan (Griffin Freeman) is the father of one of the babies, fellow classmate Brent Davick (Mark Grossman) is the father of the other. Jess accuses Brent of slipping a roofie into Jess’ drink at a summer party and raping her. When an authority delivers the news to Brent and his wealthy parents, Brent says he’ll do anything to “make this go away.” But it won’t be easy as more young women step forward with similar stories.
Brent’s father Scott is portrayed by Bruce Boxleitner. The veteran actor is known for his roles on Cedar Cove (Bob Beldon), GCB (Burl Lourd), Babylon 5 (Capt. John Sheridan), TRON (Tron/Alan Bradley), Heroes (Robert Malden), Scarecrow and Mrs. King (Lee Stetson), and the 1981 TV mini-series East of Eden (Charles Trask) based on John Steinbeck’s novel. Double Mommy premieres on LMN on Saturday, March 18 at 10pm.