In the Hallmark Channel movie A Dream of Christmas, a married woman named Penny (Nikki DeLoach) wishes she was single again. But when a Christmas angel grants her the wish, after enjoying her independence and success, Penny realizes she prefers being married to her husband Stuart (Andrew W. Walker).
The Angel is portrayed by Cindy Williams. She’s best known for her roles as Shirley Feeney on Laverne & Shirley with Penny Marshall. Williams is also recognized for her roles in the films American Graffiti with Ron Howard and The Conversation with Harrison Ford. A Dream of Christmas premieres on Saturday, December 3 at 8pm on Hallmark Channel. It will air again on Dec 4 at 2pm, Dec 8 at 8pm, Dec 10 at 6pm, Dec 14 at 10pm, Dec 18 at 4pm, Dec 23 at 6pm, Dec 25 at 12:30pm, and Dec 31 at 10pm.