Rex Tillerson is Donald Trump’s favored choice for Secretary of State. Tillerson, whose international business bona fides as CEO of ExxonMobil make him an experienced hand at global economies and politics, has little traditional diplomatic experience. But a lack of traditional experience is in vogue this year, as Mr. Trump proved by winning the highest office in the land without any governing or legislative record. Neither man is taking the job for the money.
Tillerson made more than $20 million last year at his current job, not in any way an unusual year for him. And Trump — well who really knows, since he wouldn’t release his tax returns? But it’s safe to say that Trump made more last year running the Trump Organization than he’ll make as POTUS — a job that pays $400,000 . (In fact it’s likely that Donald Trump paid more to fuel his jet last year than he’ll make as POTUS.) Tillerson must have scrimped and saved some of his salary over the years, because his pay cut will be drastic. Secretary of State pays $203,700 a year.