In the tearjerker movie Jack of the Red Hearts, a tough teenage runaway named Jack (AnnaSophia Robb) cleans up to apply for a job. As “Donna,” Jack tricks a desperate mother named Kay into believing she has experience caring for autistic children. Kay hires Donna as a live-in companion for Kay’s 11-year-old autistic daughter Glory (Taylor Richardson). Jack originally took the job for the money and room and board. But she learns there are other, more emotional perks.
Glory’s mother, Kay, is portrayed by Famke Janssen. The Dutch-born actress is known for her roles on How to Get Away with Murder (Eve Rothlow), Hemlock Grove (Olivia Godfrey), and Nip/Tuck (Ava Moore). Janssen is also recognized for her roles in the X-Men (Jean Grey) and Taken (Lenore St. John) franchise films. She will appear next in two episodes of The Blacklist in May. Jack of the Red Hearts premieres on Lifetime on April 23 at 8pm.