With just 45.5K followers on Twitter, Academy Award-nominated actress Brie Lawson has has a pretty modest following on the social media juggernaut. For a big star, that is. But among her Oscar competitors, she’s ranked pretty high. At the top, actually. Larson, who just won the Golden Globe for Best Actress, is up for the Academy Award in that category against Cate Blanchett, Jennifer Lawrence, Charlotte Rampling and Saoirse Ronan.
Cate Blanchett, Carol
Brie Larson, Room
Jennifer Lawrence, Joy
Charlotte Rampling, 45 Years
Saoirse Ronan, Brooklyn
Jennifer Lawrence doesn’t use Twitter at all, though two Twitter accounts dedicated to her (@jldaily, 417K and @JenniferUpdates, 126K) combine for more than half a million followers, ten times the followers at Lawson’s authentic account. Blanchett, like Lawrence, abstains from social media. Charlotte Rampling doesn’t appear to have a real Twitter presence either. And it looks like Saorise Ronan lacks a vital Twitter presence as well. Maybe stars don’t need to tweet after all?