Social media malcontents got busy this week decrying the World Health Organization‘s research that cites a link between processed meats and cancer. The disappointment is understandable — sizzling bacon triggers some very salutary sensations in the brain. And no one likes a scold, which unfortunately is the role played by the WHO and other orgs that list what’s good and bad for you. But expressing a love for bacon doesn’t alter the research; it’s not as if the WHO said bacon wasn’t delicious. It said it might cause cancer.
[Ham Classified More Dangerous Than Weed Killer — World Health Org]
The findings didn’t recommend abstinence from bacon and other processed meats, either, only moderation. Powerful economic entities like the meat industry will continue to pay lots of money to control the narrative on its products — and subsequent research will surely be produced that confirms or refutes the findings in the WHO report. Meanwhile, it’s undoubtedly true that people love bacon. (Witness the hashtag frenzy of #FreeBacon, #JeSuisBacon and more.) Many people also love cars and cigarettes too, but that doesn’t mean they’re good for your health or the planet. #JeSuisMarlboro? #FreeNewport? Doesn’t sound as funny.