Lightening streaked the sky with the intensity of hundreds of flashbulbs. She blinked and began to count aloud to see how far away the storm was: “One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, four Mississippi, five Mississippi,” A crack of thunder reverberated through the air. Natasha tightened her already white knuckled grip on the steering wheel. The storm must be about five miles away, that’s how many times I counted Mississippi before it thundered. Where am I? Natasha was having difficulty reading the road signs through the heavy downpour. The rain pelted the windshield faster than the wipers could push the water away. The only momentary relief was provided by the shelter of an occasional overpass. Natasha tried to stay calm but storms always made her nervous and this close, they disoriented her.
She was driving much too fast on the rain-soaked highway, but the exasperation of being sent on a fool’s errand on the most important day of her life masked an underlying sense of foreboding that caused her to be heavy on the gas pedal.
–by Francine Paino
To Live and Die For Dance by Francine Paino
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