It may not seem like a lot, but an addict will tell you it’s everything. Bobby Brown returned from prison to re-enter a marriage where his wife, the late Whitney Houston, was “still using,” as Brown told Shaun Robinson in a Lifetime interview. What Brown claims he did to help Houston was simply this: “I stayed sober.” Houston would get clean for periods of time and they’d be happy, Brown claimed. But then she’d “use again.” Robinson pushed a stoic Brown, asking what he would say to people in Whitney’s family about what he did to help her. He did all he could do, he answered. just by not returning to drugs himself.
It’s a change of heart since Brown told Matt Lauer in 2012 that “I could’ve done something different.” But remaining on the non-using side of the fence, if Brown indeed did that, is as much as one addict can do for another, according to most drug counselors.
Here Brown talks infidelity: