Okay, so there’s Cat Lady. Then there’s Crazy Cat Lady: it’s official – they’re needier and more neurotic than other pet owners. Then there’s Lynea Lattanzio. She has 700 cats. They’re everywhere you look. They hang about doing their feline thing at a 12 acre sanctuary in California – the Cat House on the Kings – with a no-kill policy. Founded by Lattanzio in 1994, the sanctuary has saved the lives of over 23,000 cats. It is entirely volunteer-run, and it is estimated it costs about $1 million a year to run.
“The Cat House is a dream life for a cat without a home,” writes jlessard, “with plenty of trees to climb, couches, tables, chairs, computers and pretty much everything else imaginable to climb and sleep on. For the human visitor, it is often a surreal experience, as cats rule at the CHOTK. They are literally everywhere you look and sit. The sanctuary is also a permanent home for some, including many senior cats and cats with FIV.” Lessard takes photos of cats each week to help get them adopted.