The science-fiction film Under the Skin features Scarlett Johansson as a voluptuous alien on earth trying to understand humanity–and seducing men to take back to her home planet. Based on Michael Faber’s 2000 surrealist novel, it is long and slow but Joelle Renstrom of reassures ScarJo fans that there are plenty of nude shots of the actress to make up for the awkward pace. Renstrom suggests eating “a special brownie” while watching the film.
Under the Skin, which was released (quietly, for a ScarJo flick) in April 2014, was directed by Jonathan Glazer (Sexy Beast, Birth) and is now available on DVD. The film is possibly overly loyal to the book, right down to its problems. The Guardian wrote in its review of Faber’s book: “Having utterly convinced us of his alien narrator and persuaded us to go along for the ride for nearly 300 pages, Faber doesn’t quite know where to go: the miniaturist aims at a big metaphysical moment. Metaphysics are fine, but you can’t feed a family on them. Still, the journey alone is worthwhile.”