Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters wrote an article entitled “Why Moral Perversity of US Position In Gaza Is Stunning” — published on Salon. “Members of Congress are mindlessly parroting Israeli talking points without a thought given to the Palestinian perspective or to preserving human life,” Waters wrote. “I think it’s safe to say that if U.S. neighborhoods were living under siege, folks like Rand Paul wouldn’t take it.” Waters points out “the fact that, as the occupying power, Israel has an obligation to protect the Palestinians it rules, not massacre them.”
Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is preparing for a potential presidential run and trying to aggressively assert his support for Israel. Paul recently proposed a bill called the “Stand With Israel Act” in Congress. Rogers thinks the act would be better called “Stand With Israel No Matter What.” In preparation for his presidential candidacy, Paul is working on a new book outlining his stances on pertinent issues including the Middle East. Roger Waters, on the other hand, has recently written a poem called “Crystal Clear Brooks,” with which he ends his Salon article.