First Thor becomes female, then an all-female Ghostbusters–what next? Both soccer World Cup finalists will come from countries with women leaders? No! (Well, yes, but that’s not what we’re talking about.) Sony Pictures has announced that a female superhero will emerge from the Spider-Man franchise and pilot her own movie, Deadline reports.
Since there won’t be another Spider-Man in 2016 as originally planned–that’s scheduled for 2018 now–Sony plans to feed the beast that is the hungry Spider-Man audience with a new movie in 2017. Just which Spider-Man female character will start saving the world in that movie is not yet known. There are plenty of options to choose from–Black Cat who was so memorable in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 seems ready. Deadline also gives a fighting chance to Silver Sable, Stunner, Firestar and Spider-Woman. The idea of a Spider-Man spinoff is particularly appealing because that’s, you know, what Spidey does–spin.