The Las Vegas Police Department and now Dog the Bounty Hunter (Duane Chapman) are searching for the MMA fighter, Jon “War Machine” Koppenhaver, who allegedly beat his ex-girlfriend with a deadly weapon. The woman, porn star Christy Mack, was severely hurt. Mack posted graphic photos on Twitter after the alleged attack. War Machine reached out to his public, too, tweeting: “The cops will never give me fair play, never believe me. Still deciding what to do but at the end of the day it’s all just heart breaking.”
Jay Hathaway at Gawker describes Dog the Bounty Hunter’s War Machine chase as “a gross play for publicity” and reminds everyone that “Dog the Bounty Hunter is a reality TV personality with a show on Country Music Television.” That characterization may damage Dog’s credibility for some people–for others, just the opposite. At least the Dog is taking domestic abuse seriously and believes the abuser should be held accountable.