The co-founder of a photography and GGI company took to Medium to describe everybody’s worst fear when it comes to using the “Cloud”–that what you store there could disappear. Jan Čurn, a sophisticated user if there ever was one, has been using Dropbox since 2009. He’s a “Pro” level subscriber. He “always loved the service,” he writes. Then in April 2014 with his laptop storage growing scarce, he tried to use the Dropbox “Selective Sync” feature and make Dropbox the sole repository for the back-up of some of his important files. There was a little hiccup when he tried to unsync the directories from his laptop, but he tried again and all seemed to go smoothly.
A few months later Čurn found out that “there was a delete event of 8343 files” and that most of the missing files were his photos. Irrecoverable files filled with irrecoverable memories. The directories he sync’d were still visible at Dropbox, but “many of them were empty.” Curn says he has shared his story so that Dropbox might react to some negative publicity by fixing what he says is a problem on the Dropbox end–and also to let other Dropbox users know that this can happen. That they should be wary.