Plan to stay on top of your schedule this year? Since 2004, the National Counterterrorism Center–a government agency funded by tax dollars–has been publishing an annual calendar filled with information about the ongoing fight against terrorism. The calendars feature photos of the most-wanted terrorists (including founder of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, $25m reward) plus maps of where they might be hiding, while highlighting significant dates of attacks (September 21, 2013, Westgate mall in Nairobi, Kenya) and dates of captures (January 23, 2001, hijacker of Yemeni flight with US Ambassador aboard).
The Counterterrorism Calendar is designed as a “ready reference guide for law-enforcement, intelligence, military and security personnel, contingency planners” and even everyday citizens concerned about terrorist threats. (The Center believes that a calendar is particularly instructive because symbolically pertinent dates often figure into plans for attacks.) A printable version of the 2014 calendar (cover photo is from the Boston Marathon) is available free online.