TENT is a series of immersive, week-long workshops for anyone 21- to 30-years-old, who’s curious about the connections between Jewishness and modern culture. What’s been the role of Jews in comic strips? How has Jewish food affected American cuisine? Are you an aspiring Jewish writer? Take the creative writing class with Poetry Magazine’s editor Don Share. And why have so many Jews been drawn to stand-up comedy? TENTs are popping up all over New York City, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Memphis and Montreal. And you can apply to more than one.
TENT programs are free to accepted applicants. Accommodations and most meals covered. Your only cost is transportation to and from the city where the TENT is pitched. Don’t like the choices? Create your own DIY TENT in your own town. Provided by the Yiddish Book Center, grants up to $3000 are available starting February 2014.
Cool website designed by Alexander Isley Inc., illustrations by Otto Steininger.