Writing this book came as a result of what we have seen happening in business over the last decade. We have been creating valuable, lead-generating marketing strategies, websites and books for professional firms in the UK, and sharing what we have learned on our blogs. We started a newsletter, and have spread our content far and wide through various social media channels and on industry websites. It has brought in a lot of business for us without ever having to chase people for work, and the strategy has transformed many client businesses too. We have proved that if you make your marketing valuable to those you want to do business with they will reward you with their business and loyalty. It’s a simple approach that gets results.
Yet, companies marketing this way are still in the minority. Although what has become known as “content marketing” is gaining in popularity, the majority of businesses haven’t caught up. We still see businesses trying to market themselves with websites that just aren’t up to the job. Many of these are great companies run by bright, intelligent experts who know their stuff but aren’t connecting with their customers–and are losing out as a result. They are missing a trick with their marketing and we want to fix this.
—by Sonja Jefferson and Sharon Tanton
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