Hollywood movie star Molly Ringwald is known for her early roles in John Hughes movies (Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink) and for her adult roles on Riverdale and in The Kissing Booth film franchise, among others.
Throughout her career, Ringwald has befriended many fellow celebrities including MTV stars of the 1980s as seen below with Susanna Hoffs of The Bangles and Belinda Carlisle of The Go-Gos, and Courtney Love of Hole in the 1990s (below).
Some fans were surprised to discover that Ringwald is friends with Monica Lewinsky, who also became a household name during the mid-1990s when she interned at the White House during the Clinton Administration.
With the photo above, Ringwald writes: “Had a friend date with Monica and we had on almost the same outfit.” The two saw Alan Cumming and Ari Shapiro perform at the famous jazz restaurant, the Café Carlyle on the Upper East Side of New York City. Their show is titled ‘Och & Oy!’ (“Och” is a Scottish exclamation similar to the Hebrew “oy.”)
As seen in the photo above, taken in 2002, Lewinsky and Cumming have known each other for years, too. That’s singer Rufus Wainwright between them. Cumming says of that night in NYC that he and Lewinsky went to Cynthia Rowley‘s fashion show and then went to see Rufus in concert.
Get ready to see more of Ringwald: She stars in the upcoming series Feud about Truman Capote (played by Tom Hollander) and his female NYC socialite friends including Johnny Carson’s ex-wife Joanne Carson, whom Ringwald plays in the series. See photo from her trailer above.