When not playing superhero Captain Marvel (aka Carol Danvers) on the big screen, Hollywood movie star Brie Larson is often working out. She captioned the photos below, ‘Hey, Siri – play ‘Push it’ by Salt-N-Pepa.”
When the 33-year-old Oscar Award winner shared another workout video below, of her in a checkered sports bra and matching leggings, she wrote: “My #AntiHero trait? Refusing conventional workouts,” and tagged Taylor Swift. The song used for the video is Swift’s new hit song, Anti-Hero.
Get ready to see more of Larson: She will appear next on the big screen in the highly-anticipated Fast X with Vin Diesel, Jason Momoa, Helen Mirren, Jordana Brewster, and Charlize Theron, among others.
The Fast & Furious sequel will be released in the theaters on May 19, 2023. The Marvels — with Teyonah Parris and Samuel L. Jackson is scheduled for a July 28, 2023 release.
Brie also stars in the upcoming Apple+ series Lessons in Chemistry. It’s set in the early 1960s: she plays a female scientist who is forced to put her career on hold when she becomes pregnant. See photos below.