A new adventure series called 007’s Road to a Million, based around the enduring legacy of James Bond, is set to start production later this year. The series has been purchased by Amazon, and it’ll mark Bond’s first time on TV, if you don’t count the endless Thanksgiving marathons that show Sean Connery and Daniel Craig saving the world over and over.
007’s Road to a Million is an eight-part series in the competition reality arena, a la The Amazing Race, but in this case the show will feature Bond-centric locales.
Now for the bad news: Despite avid and ironic speculation by fans (and detractors), Amazon founder Jeff Bezos will not star in the new Amazon Bond show.
Even if the series is adventurous enough to tap into Bond’s most famously distant locale (see Moonraker), Bezos isn’t likely to appear, despite his avidity for space flight and his ownership of Blue Origin.
But Bezos sure has got the props, if his contestants want to rake the moon. Note: The million of the title represents the million pounds the winner gets, shared by a two-person team.
Variety says: “Filmed in many of the historic locations featured throughout the seminal Bond films, the ‘cinematic format’ will be a test of intelligence and endurance.” In addition to physical obstacles in their way, contestants will have to answer question challenges hidden around the Bond world.
Bezos could have other modern-day superheroes step in for Bond, just by calling a friend.