Corporate executive Paul Damico returns to the CBS reality show Undercover Boss for an episode on Season 11. Nine years ago, in 2013, Damico went undercover when he was president of Moe’s Southwest Grill (see promo video below.
This time around, Damico goes undercover while president and CEO for Round Table Pizza.
Since filming the episode, Damico has left Round Table Pizza. It was announced in August 2021 that Damico is the new CEO of Fuzzy’s Taco Shop. Based in Fort Worth, Texas, Fuzzy’s serves Baja-inspired dishes in close to 150 company-owned and franchised restaurants across 18 states.
In May 20221, Fuzzy’s launched Fuzzy’s Taco Shop Taqueria in Minneapolis, a smaller restaurant with a scaled-down menu that focuses on carry-out business.
Undercover Boss airs Fridays at 8 pm on CBS against Shark Tank on ABC at 8 pm.