Model/actor Patrick Schwarzenegger, son of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver, shared a series of photos from a recent night out with his gorgeous girlfriend, model Abby Champion. Abby turned heads (as usual) in her tiny shorts and over-the-knee boots but more eyes were focused on Patrick’s ensemble. As one fan replied: “coral, pleated, absolute 80’s retro vibe.”
Not only did Patrick tuck in his sweater into those pink pleated pants but he popped his collar for full effect. Swipe to see what we’re talking about!
NFL football player, defensive end for the New York Giants Leonard Williams replied: “Lookin fresh bro.” And when a non-famous fan replied: “Oh the pants Patrick” with a grinning face with sweat emoji, Patrick replied: “Let them flare” with an applause emoji.
Be sure to swipe the photo dump above to see Patrick dancing in those pants. He warns: “Next up: puka shell & pearl necklaces.”
Patrick flaunts pink socks above, and a stylist sweater while celebrating his birthday with his famous family, below.
Get ready to see more of Patrick: he’s filming the Netflix series The Staircase with Toni Collette and Colin Firth. It’s based on a real-life murder case about a husband (Colin) who was accused of fatally pushing his wife (Toni) down the staircase. Patrick plays their son.
And if you haven’t seen it yet, check out the Netflix movie MOXIE starring Patrick and directed by Saturday Night Live alum Amy Poehler.