Two female entrepreneurs from Mandeville, Louisiana – Judy Schott and Nita Gassen – pitch their bedding product Better Bedder on Season 12 of Shark Tank. Judy and Nita walk into the Tank wearing colorful headbands to demonstrate the concept and design of Better Bedder which is essentially “a giant headband that holds your fitted sheets and flat sheets in place.” No clips, zippers or straps needed. It even holds your glasses and book on the side!
In the video above, Judy’s son Trevor and his “lazy” brother Tyler demonstrate how easy Better Bedder is to install with their grandmother sitting on top of the bed while they put it on!
[Related: 27 Favorite ‘Shark Tank’ Products at Amazon — New List]
All eyes are on Shark Barbara Corcoran who looks absolutely tickled by the Better Bedder pitch, as seen in the photo above.
New episodes of Shark Tank air Fridays at 8 pm on ABC, right before 20/20 at 9 pm. [BONUS: Stream any ABC show through the ABC GO Digital App found here. Download is FREE.]