Entrepreneur Alina Kravchenko of Houston, Texas walks into her Shark Tank pitch like an angel. Literally. Dressed in all-white with wings and a magic wand, Alina presents her patented baby product SwipenSnap.
It’s a one-hand diaper cream applicator with a suction cup. It’s designed so you can keep a free hand to ensure the baby’s safety on the changing table, and to avoid transferring germs from your fingers onto the baby’s skin.
During the SwipenSnap demonstration, Alina uses a plastic baby doll and gets Kevin “Mr. Wonderful” O’Leary to hold the fake baby, albeit awkwardly, as seen in the photo below.
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While Kevin is always entertaining on Shark Tank, Alina should keep her attention on shark Lori Greiner, who in 2017 invested $120,000 in the successful brand SnoofyBee, a baby changing pad designed to keep babies from touching their poop while getting their diaper changed.
New episodes of Shark Tank air Fridays at 8 pm on ABC, right before 20/20 at 9 pm. [BONUS: Stream anyABC show through the ABC GO Digital App found here. Download is FREE.]