The protagonist of the Lifetime movie Deadly Hollywood Obsession (originally titled Famous and Fatal) is fourth grade teacher Casey Wright. After saving her student, 10-year-old Jack Austin (Brady Bond), from an attempted kidnapping, she’s hired by the boy’s father, famous Hollywood movie star Sam Austin (Jon Prescott), to be Jack’s home-school teacher. She quickly falls head over heels for Sam but there’s an obsessive female fan who wants Casey out of the picture. (Chaz Bono plays The Hunter.)
Casey is portrayed by Sarah Roemer who is well recognized for her role as Ashley in Disturbia with Shia LaBeouf. When not on a TV or movie set, the gorgeous blond actress spends time on the beach and often in a string bikini! The handsome guy in the pic above is her husband of four years, Chad Michael Murray, aka Edgar Evernever on CW’s Riverdale.
Deadly Hollywood Obsession premieres on Lifetime on Saturday, December 28 at 8 pm.