Alabama lawmakers may not know the shitstorm that is about to hit them after the new 8-week abortion limit legislation. Or they may not care. Or maybe they think now that they got Reese Witherspoon out of town, the virtual Strong Woman Alliance in the state is critically wounded and can’t fight back. Or maybe the lawmakers aren’t thinking much at all because, after all, it’s not their bodies they’re legislating on.
That’s exactly the point of celeb model and social media influencer Gigi Hadid, when she reposts the placard that reads: “Men Shouldn’t Be Making Laws About Women’s Bodies.” The Alabama legislature is used to making laws that concern people in Alabama only, but they’ve just stepped into new national prominence as canaries in the anti-abortion coal mine. You know what happens to the canaries, right?
It’s perhaps interesting to note, as Alabama law attempts to exert influence beyond its state lines, that the population of Alabama is about 4.9 million. Hadad has nearly 48 million followers on Instagram, or ten times (10x) the population of Alabama.