Mama’s MilkBox was a subscription service that delivered stylish clothing designed for breastfeeding moms. It was a convenience for moms who don’t have the time to shop for themselves. Whatever top or dress that they didn’t like they could return by mail. The founder of Mama’s MilkBox was Elena Petzold of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (where Mark Cuban‘s from). She pitched her business on Shark Tank in January 2017. She went into the Tank seeking an investment of $200,000 in exchange for 20 percent equity. Alas, Petzold did not land a deal on the show.
[Hello MIZ makes this maternity dress, under $30]
After the Shark Tank episode aired, Mama’s MilkBox closed. According to her LinkedIn profile, Petzold is currently working as a marketing consulting in the Pittsburgh area and she’s working on another start-up venture with a product set to drop Fall 2018. [Related: 27 Favorite ‘Shark Tank’ Products]