In the Brooklyn Nine-Nine episode “White Whale,” NYPD Detectives Rosa Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz) and Amy Santiago (Melissa Fumero) team up to once and for all catch their “white whale” suspect. Meanwhile Captain Holt (Andre Braugher) goes head to head with his rival, Captain Olivia Crawford. Both commissioner candidates try to convince the other to step down in the campaign.
[Check out Tolman in Fargo with Kirsten Dunst]
Captain Olivia Crawford is portrayed by Allison Tolman. She’s known for her roles on Good Girls (blackmailing Mary Pat), Downward Dog (dog owner Nan), and Fargo (Molly Solverson, for which she was nominated for a Golden Globe award), among others. Brooklyn Nine-Nine airs Sundays at 8:30pm on FOX, right after The Simpsons and right before Family Guy.