In the Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 5 fall finale “Game Night,” NYPD Detective Rosa Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz) has big news to share with her parents, Oscar and Julia She’s nervous so she enlists her co-worker Jake Perolta (Andy Samberg) to help her. But when Jake meets Rosa’s parents for game night, they get the wrong idea. Oscar Diaz is portrayed by Danny Trejo (Machete from Spy Kids). Julia is portrayed by Olga Merediz.
[Check out Merediz as Lourdes on Orange Is the New Black]
Merediz is known for her roles on the TV shows Bounty Hunters (Maria), Orange Is the New Black (Gloria’s Aunt Lourdes), Shades of Blue (Lorena Zepeda), Saint George (Alma), Law & Order (Judge Allard Harper), and in the films The Place Beyond the Pines, Remember Me, and One for the Money. Merediz is also recognized for her role as Abuela Claudia in the musical “In the Heights” for which she was nominated for a Tony Award in 2008. See video below. Brooklyn Nine-Nine airs Tuesdays at 9pm on FOX.