Kid Rock didn’t get into the entertainment business with a degree from Harvard like Al Franken did, but it wasn’t Franken’s education that later qualified him to move from SNL and the movies to the US Senate. It was Franken’s ability to reach his constituency, to speak frankly, and to make a promise that he’d make their interests — not his — a priority. Sounds just like what Kid Rock will offer in his own Senate bid, if he’s for real about running. Howard Stern drew the comparison between the two entertainers/politicians this week on his show.
[pictured: Devil Without A Cause — Rock has a cause now]
“Kid Rock would have a very good chance of winning,” Stern said, describing Kid Rock as having been “instrumental in so many charities” and “actually is a pretty serious, high minded guy.” Rock certainly knows how to differentiate himself from those “elite” Democrats his supporters can’t connect with. He can even turn a hamburger into a shot at NY Sen. Chuck Schumer and current Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow (see below). While Stern is certain Rock could win, he’s not so sure he’d be terrific at governing. What Rock is, surely, is a great guest for Stern. Kid Rock has been on Howard’s show a lot through the years.
Dinner time at my house. What do you think Schumer is spoon-feeding Stabenow tonight?
— Kid Rock (@KidRock) July 21, 2017