In the Hallmark movie Love on Ice, at the age of 27, former figure ice skater Emily James (Julie Berman) no longer competes on the ice. But when she sees Nikki Lee (Anna Golja) work out with her coach Spencer (Andrew Spencer), Emily considers a comeback. Nikki’s mother Mia is not pleased with coach Spencer’s new distraction.
Mia Lee is portrayed by Gail O’Grady. She’s known for her roles on Revenge (Stevie Grayson), Hellcats (Wanda Perkins), Desperate Housewives (Anne Schilling), Boston Legal (Judge Floria Weldon), American Dreams (Helen Pryor), and NYPD Blue (Donna Abandando), among many others. Love on Ice premieres Saturday, January 7 at 9pm on Hallmark. It will air again on Jan 8 at 5pm, Jan 14 at 7pm, Jan 15 at 1pm, Jan 21 at 5pm, Jan 31 at 8pm, Feb 11 at 3pm and Feb 26 at 5pm.