In The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills episode ‘Harry’s Meat and Gatsby’s Fete’, before real drama unfolds at Kyle Richards’ house where she’s throwing a Great Gatsby themed party, Emmy-winning soap opera actress Eileen Davidson takes her friend Erika Girardi to a reading at The Young and the Restless. Erika doesn’t just look the part, she also has the dramatic voice to boot.
And on top of that, Erika takes direction with aplomb. When the Y&R producer tells Erika to read the lines again but this time “own your point of view,” Erika doesn’t ask how or why, she does it and nails it. “You’re a natural!” Eileen tells Erika. The producer agrees, “Absolutely.” The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills airs Tuesdays at 9pm on Bravo.