In the Hallmark Channel movie A Rose for Christmas, Andy Lindry is an artist who comes from a long line of Rose Parade float builders. When her father gets sick, Andy reluctantly steps in to finish the float that needs to be adorned with 20,000 roses. While welding all the pieces together, Andy butts heads with Cliff Baskers (Marc Bendavid) the executive who commissioned the float. But along the way — as opposites tend to do in Hallmark movies — they fall in love.
Andy is portrayed by Rachel Boston. She’s known for her roles on Witches of East End (Ingrid Beauchamp), In Plain Sight (Detective Abigail Chaffee), The Ex List (Daphne Bloom), and American Dreams (Beth Mason), among many others. A Rose for Christmas premieres on Hallmark on Sunday, January 1 at 8pm.