Singer, actor and funny-as-hell comedian Justin Timberlake is bringing voting back. Timberlake already brought sexy back, but giving voting the cachet of sexy is a bigger challenge — so Timberlake put the full force of his stardom behind the effort. Not only did he post himself voting on Instagram to his 37 MILLION followers, he flew all the way from LA to Memphis, Tennessee to cast his ballot.
But why? To be near Elvis’s grave? Good guess, but Graceland isn’t why the crooning Timberlake made the trip. He did it so he could vote in person — that’s where he’s registered, despite making his home in Los Angeles most of the time. Timberlake didn’t have to fly — he could have cast an absentee ballot from the state he was in (and so can you, if you’re currently residing outside where you’re registered). But that’s nowhere near as sexy. JT would know. Besides, selfies of someone filling out an absentee ballot alone at the kitchen table just don’t have the same allure.