Wikileaks doc dropper Julian Assange really wants Donald Trump to be president of the United States for some reason. While it’s understandable that a man who prides himself on transparency might be troubled by Hillary Clinton’s penchant for secrecy (a laudable trait in Secretaries of State, btw), it’s hard to see why Assange likes Trump so much. Trump won’t even share his taxes. He’s about as transparent as an iron curtain.
Assange is currently being shielded by Ecuador’s London Embassy, but even the Quito contingent is getting tired of his daily Clinton email dumps. It’s clear Assange is trying to influence the American election from his Ecuador-supplied safe harbor. So the Ecuadorians, for now, have pulled the plug on him — literally, they’ve cut off his Internet connection. The fiercely anti-capitalist Assange sure could use a table at Starbucks right now — with its free wifi. The US has significantly cut aid to Ecuador in recent years and allowing Assange to continue could further erode US-Ecuador relations.