Among the leaked emails from John Podesta’s account are a few from Barack Obama before he was president. Makes sense, as Podesta was director of Obama’s transition team after Obama won the 2008 election. There is no confirmation that the emails — sent to and from [email protected] — are really to the president elect, but their subject matter makes it plausible.
In one of the emails cabinet secretary positions are discussed, and Hillary Clinton — who had just lost the bruising Democratic primary to Obama — is suggested as a potential Secretary of State (the position she came to occupy) or Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. (The latter position made sense as she was an early advocate of healthcare reform, heading up a huge healthcare initiative in the Bill Clinton administration.) Obama appointed Kathleen Sebelius to the post. But it’s interesting to consider what Clinton’s appointment to HHS would have meant — besides much less chatter about Benghazi — to her current campaign. But that is, as Robert Frost famously wrote, The Road Not Taken.
(The Podesta emails are a dump from Wikileaks.)