Quick: name someone who is friendly to liberal causes, someone who has displayed an acute ability to publicly rip into a sitting president while standing right in front of him, and someone who can stay completely in character at all times — even if that character is a loudmouth braggart egomaniac who makes everything about himself while ignoring reason. That perfectly describes Stephen Colbert — the old Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central’s Colbert Report.
It also describes exactly who the Hillary Clinton campaign is looking for right now — someone to play GOP rival Donald Trump in mock debates to help her prepare for the real debates against Trump this fall. Clinton’s prep team is searching for someone utterly unfettered and willing to skirt propriety and the normal protocol of political debates — in other words, someone to act the way Trump is expected to act. A former Obama aide told Politico that Clinton should expect to hear not just about Benghazi from Trump — but about famous intern Monica Lewinsky, too. These debates won’t play by any rules that is, despite the moderators’ intent. What Clinton needs is a Stephen Colbert type for her prep. And there’s only one — as Larry Wilmore just found out.