Retweeting an article from The Hill, billionaire Mark Cuban — who has been suggested as a VP candidate for both parties — wrote “The RNC is going to be a shit show – All delegates are unbound.”
The RNC is going to be a shit show – All delegates are unbound
— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) July 12, 2016
Cuban, who leans Republican, has in the past volunteered his services as VP to either candidate — though he has said he’s disappointed in Donald Trump’s lack of policy specifics, among other problems with his candidacy. (Cuban: “I can go to Hillary’s websites and there’s spreadsheets, there’s depth, there’s analysis, there’s details.”) Cuban’s chief concern is that the candidates are technologically illiterate. He believes that any leader who doesn’t understand how technology is affecting people day to day — not to mention its future impact — won’t be able to lead. With the Republican National Convention a week away, the “shit show” Cuban predicts may arise because delegates that Trump won in the primary aren’t legally obligated to vote according to their state’s pledge — thus the “unbound delegates.” It’ll be human emotion and judgment, not technology that rules in Cleveland.