Ben Jealous, the former NAACP leader who became a “social impact venture capitalist” at the Kapor Center, is in Philadelphia trying to bridge the fiery gap between furious Bernie Sanders supporters and a successful Hillary Clinton candidacy. Jealous is well-suited to the job: he moved his powerful support from Sanders to Clinton once she secured the nomination. But Sanders’ delegates’ anger has risen to fever levels after the release of documents implying the DNC sabotaged his campaign and tipped the scales toward Clinton. Jealous has a tough job.
@BenJealous showing really strong leadership to help bridge that gap between @BernieSanders voters and @HillaryClinton voters. #UniteBlue
— octavia spencer (@octaviaspencer) July 24, 2016
If anyone can douse the flames it may be Jealous. The former Rhodes Scholar speaks on Monday night to an amp’d up crowd in Philadelphia. As one onlooker said, “Ben Jealous, pure class.” Jealous took the one road that makes Democratic unity a no-brainer: Beat Trump. That’s the name of the bridge you’ll see built in Philadelphia all week. The Beat Trump Bridge is the only structure in the world that might bring the Sanders and Clinton camps together. Ben Jealous just started the construction.
@BernieSanders delegate @BenJealous: “Today is our day to begin to unify” #DemsinPhilly
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) July 25, 2016