The new reality TV show EJ and the City follows EJ Johnson, the 24-year-old son of NBA legend Magic Johnson. After wrapping up his other reality show #RichKids of Beverly Hills, EJ, a handful of friends, and his little sister Elisa have moved to New York City. After losing 180 pounds, EJ continues to “explore his own gender fluidity” and have a good time in the Big Apple.
One of EJ’s friends is Samaria Smith. Well, she’s actually Elisa Johnson’s BFF, and she happens to be the daughter of rapper/actor LL Cool J and his wife Simone Smith. (They’ve been married since 1995 and have three other children.) Like most of the young women on the show, Samaria is a model. She’s also studying design at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). EJ and the City airs Wednesdays at 10pm on E!